This was a momentous day. Why? ‘Cause the last of the perimeter logs went into place. We carved our names and symbols into the last one dropped in place. So in 100 years when this building is a national heritage site and they need to move it they will find all of our names for quick and easy reference.
We put in these really nice large windows cause we got a very good deal on this size window. I think it will work out nicely. Each window will have a nice view and let in plenty of light.
Next comes the gabled ends which we still have not quite figured out how to do yet. Pray we can figure it out/make up our minds how we want to do it. And then comes the roof and then finally we are out of the Texas sun. While it is good vitamin D and all, according to experts you only need 10 minutes of exposure to get your daily dosage, and in Texas, on a hot day that would probably translate into like 30 seconds. Anyway, all that to say we are looking forward to having the roof on and working in the shade. Stay tuned for more pics and progress.
1 comment:
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