Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here come the supplies. Did I mention that you might need building supplies? Well just in case I didn't, I will mention it here. YOU NEED SUPPLIES. (PS this is not an advertisement for Lowes. Most any hardware store will carry building supplies, like for example the Home depot may also sometime have some building supplies. It's the store with orange everything, where they love to annouce that they are working very hard everyday for your safety, so please bungee down your children or pet Alligator to the shopping cart so they don't get run over by the fork lifts.)

Speaking of fork lifts, here is a picture of a nice forklift that came with the lowes truck, that nicely forked our new supplies into our new pole barn for safe keeping from the elements. (Lowes offered us the fork lift in exchange for a good word about them and some biased honesty about Home Depot. but we could not afford the gas so we had to politely decline.)
Speaking of gas prices its at $3.60 a gallon at the moment. There are two ways to beat the rising prices according to the professionals, you need to either buy a bicycle or buy a gas station. buying anything else just hurts when you need to fill up.

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