Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back to the log cabin

Okay, now the phase we have all been waiting for. John and team have began to put down the first course of logs. I have not been so involved with this part of the job as I am trying to figure out how to get electricty to the studio and this cabin. But rather than bore you with pictures of wires and junction boxes, I thought to show you the progress the team is making with the logs.

Here is a pic of the very first log going into place

nchoring the first log into place with 10inch lag bolts. Apprantly all the logs are going to be secured with those 10inch lag bolts.

More action on the site. They got alot done in the first day

Putting down the logs is plenty of fun but you do have to account for boring things like doors and windows. Check out the door opening and also the new addition to the crew, Gabe, a long time friend and missionary from Thailand. Not that he is Thai but rather that is where we knew each other as young teens serving the Lord in the faraway land of Thailand.

One nice feature of working with logs is the "R" factor or the thermal properities, or in layman terms it helps keep the place cool in summer and warm in winter.

The fourth layer staring to go down soon there will be openings for windows etc.

The work area looking like a old ship builders yard with all that heavy lumber. Stay tuned for more pictures and progress.

PS Please keep us in your prayers as Leila is getting very close to having the baby. So I might be a little busy on the domestic front for a little while. Many pictures of that coming your way but not on this blog.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here we are again! Sorry I have not updated this blog in a while but here is the latest. We completed raising the studio and then we rented a double axle flatbed trailer that could move 12000 pounds.

We carefully backed the trailer under the house

Here is another picture of placing the trailer under the studio.

And then we lowered the house onto the trailer it took quite a few hours to load it on just right. God bless Matt who came over to help from the Blanco home with his serious truck. We could not have done it without him.

And then slowly we began to move the building it was sort of a magic moment as the whole studio became mobil

We had to turn around the studio, not because we had taken a wrong turn but because we had to change our approach to the drop spot which was about 300 yards away.

Here is the drop spot right next to a large oak tree. We had to cut some trees to fit it in.

It took a few days to lower it down and reattach the deck. but that is basically how it looks now, all good to go.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Studio project

Hi there, here are a couple of pictures of the studio moving project. But first a little history. We sold the back property which was a super answer to prayer and we just needed to move a couple of things off of it.
The studio was built as an extension to donated shed/office so we had to put in new skids under the floor joists to tie the hole building together before it could be moved. We bought the 16 ft 4x6 preasure treated skids and bolted them up through the floor joists. Then we slowly started lifting the building in preperation to move it.

Here are the jacks that we used to lift the building. one under each skid.

John showing us how angled the building is as we lifted one side then another.

The building started off being about 10 inches from the ground but here we have it up 36 inches. We don't actually know what we are doing. The professionals would not touch it cause of the way it was built and those who did wanted 5000$ to do it. So we are doing this by faith pray it goes well and that we don't drop the building or anything.

The building on a slight angle. More proof we don't know what we are doing, heh. Hopefully the next pics will be of the actual moving of the building.