Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Now that we have collected everything, we need to start on the actual project. We figured it was a good time to.... well actually start. So on a tuesday eight weeks ago... we started.
And the first step in starting was to dig but in our case we pounded and pounded and pounded some more . Here is a pic of the guy that did most of the work. He is sort of short and yellow and says brute on him.
PS John we feel you also did a lot of the work.
After a week of fun filled pounding we had 15 of these little cute holes in the rock face. at this point we felt unconquerable like real men should.

Yours truly carrying the lunch box and an occasional bag of cement. I am being modest here, we had to hike about 90 bags of them in all. Makes for a good work out.
Speaking of fork lifts, here is a picture of a nice forklift that came with the lowes truck, that nicely forked our new supplies into our new pole barn for safe keeping from the elements. (Lowes offered us the fork lift in exchange for a good word about them and some biased honesty about Home Depot. but we could not afford the gas so we had to politely decline.)
Speaking of gas prices its at $3.60 a gallon at the moment. There are two ways to beat the rising prices according to the professionals, you need to either buy a bicycle or buy a gas station. buying anything else just hurts when you need to fill up.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
And before you know it you have a pole barn for keeping the building supplies out of the weather for your quick and easy cabin project. You are welcome to try this at home.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Also check out the jack hammer which we could not have done without. More about that later. The Lord supplied tons of neat tools in the months leading up the to project. All that to say, to build a quick and simple cabin, tools are a must.